Save outdoor education centres

Sign the petition

The Field Studies Council has launched a petition to the government calling for them to protect outdoor education centres from imminent closure.

One in three Local Authority outdoor education centres are facing closure which could mean millions of young people are denied potentially life-changing experiences, at a time when health, physical activity and contact with nature are all declining.  Some children from poorer and disadvantaged groups may not have another opportunity to share a night away from home and visit places they would not otherwise see. 

The sad fact is that closure need not happen, in many cases given extra time these centres could become self sufficient.  If centres close they may not reopen again.

You can help by signing the petition, set up by the FSC with the support of Association for Heads of Outdoor Education Centres, English Outdoor Council, Institute for Outdoor Learning and National Association of Field Studies Officers.  If they reach 100,000 signatures this year the issue will be considered for debate in the House of Commons.

To raise awareness of the campaign a short piece of video has been created which you can watch by following this link

To go direct to the petition click here and act now to protect these unique opportunities for young people.


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