Recorder usage figures needed

Your figures are needed to help secure future support of Recorder

The Recorder team needs figures on Recorder 6 usage to convince the funders of the system that they should continue supporting it adequately. They have contacted all the record centres they can, and various other users, but if they haven’t contacted you and you have statistics you would like to contribute they would be very grateful. They would like to know the total number of species observations in your database and how many of them you have added in 2011 and 2012.

The Recorder team has uploaded an XML report which will produce the figures they need,, which can be downloaded from the forum. It may lead to double counting of some observations that have been exchanged with other copies of Recorder 6, but it will be accurate enough for their purposes. The XML report is called ‘RecordStats’ and runs from Reports – Run – System reports – RecordStats – RecordStats when loaded into your Recorder 6 Reports folder, usually User FilesReports. If you need any help with running this report please let Sally Rankin know.

Mike Weideli, John van Breda and Sally have completed the upgrade to v6.17 and JNCC have made it available for download on the Recorder web-site – see the forum for the information. New installation disks will be available shortly. They are now starting to consider what to include in v6.18 but top of the list is improvements to the taxon dictionary to alleviate reporting problems. They plan to consult users on what else to include soon. The more funding they can secure the more improvements it will contain.

Thank you for your help.

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