NBN Gateway 5 latest information

Following the release of NBN Gateway 5 in October and the subsequent teething problems we encountered, we are pleased to report that these are now fixed.  We would like to thank all the users and data providers for their patience whilst the issues were resolved and we hope that everyone is now enjoying using an enhanced NBN Gateway.
NBN Gateway 5 is a more flexible system in terms of accessing and downloading data and there is a totally new interactive map which makes it possible to select and query multiple records and create maps of two or more species in different colours.

Takes you to the IMT.  You must login to see the records
There have also been improvements for the data providers, with data security and Data Exchange Principles remaining paramount.  Data providers can now get more detailed information on who has been using their data and for what purpose, which helps them to report to their stakeholders and recorders.
We would especially like to thank data providers for their positive attitude to the new system.  We know there were some concerns about the new access controls, but we are pleased to report that over 80% of data providers increased or maintained access to their data during the transition to the new Gateway. 
We would also like to thank both data providers and data users for their feedback which is now helping us to improve the system.  For example:

  • Data providers reported that users were downloading or requesting access to data outside their area of interest as they were failing to apply the filters.  We added the text “Please check that you have used the appropriate filters within each of the above sections to only request access to the records that you require”, to the final stage of the download wizard  to try to reduce these taxonomically/geographically irrelevant requests.
  • Data providers reported that users were making duplicate downloads, perhaps because they hadn’t realised their first attempt had been successful.  We have added a pop-up saying ‘we are preparing your download – please wait’ to try to reduce duplicate downloads .
  • Data users reported that the taxonomic information on the taxon landing page was not presented in a way that makes it easy to copy and paste.  We have put the taxon name, authority and Taxon Version Key in a single row  to make this possible.
  • Data users reported that the ‘use categories’ in the access request and download wizard did not cover the ways that recording schemes and societies use data from the Gateway.  We plan to add a new category to the dropdown list specifically to cover this.  
  • Data users reported they would rather have the hybrid base map on the Interactive Map by default as this is easier for navigation.  This will be introduced in the next release.

We are monitoring use of the new Gateway, and from January we will start providing monthly summary statistics on data access requests and downloads across the whole system.   In the meantime, data providers can of course view the summary and detailed statistics for their own datasets on their “My Account”. 
Thanks to more detailed download logs, we know the data is being used for a wide range of useful and interesting purposes, including:

  • Statutory work under the Water Framework Directive requiring records of eelgrass (Zostera marina and Zostera noltei)
  • Research to inform Government policy on the impact of weed control on associated biodiversity
  • Surveys to locate potential species-rich/Annex 1 lowland grassland/wetland habitats in Scotland
  • A large number of MSc and undergraduate student projects, for example a GIS project to analyse the change in distribution of Grey and Red Squirrels in the UK and re-introduction methods.
  • Studies of personal interest to expert amateur naturalists, including a study of aculeate Hymenoptera of sand dunes
  • Conservation projects, such as habitat management work in a freshwater Local Biodiversity Action Plan project

As well as reviewing and implementing user feedback, we are also now loading new and updated datasets on to NBN Gateway 5, including some from brand new data providers, such as National Assembly Wales.
Once again thank you for your support and feedback and if you do have any comments please send them to us at access@nbn.org.uk
Previous information on the upgrade can be found here


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