Changes to Scottish Natural Heritage grants

There are changes afoot at Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) if you are looking for a grant. A recent announcement sought to clarify a few things. The SNH Community Action Grants 2012 are explicitly focussed on getting more people and communities involved in outdoor recreation, volunteering and outdoor learning; action to improve, protect and manage habitats, species and landscapes; and citizen science and biological recording

Final arrangements for 2012 Community Action Grants are expected in the next few weeks.  However it is likely to be open for business from early May onwards.

The application form will be out soon.  Meantime, the 'What you will be asked in your Community Action Grant Application' guidance is available.

There will be no set deadline for the Community Action Grants.  You can apply at any time but the scheme is likely to be highly competitive.

More detailed information on funding priorities for Community Action Grants is available on the SNH website

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